Andy Lau was slapped three times, did you forget it today?

(WeChat ID: dushetv)

In the past few months, the volume of "Hong Kong" in the film and television industry has been slightly higher.

[Tomorrow’s War] has been extended, and the aftertaste of [Detective War] is still there. Today, Huang Zihua’s [still think you’re the best] reputation has exploded, and the dark horse’s posture is strong.

It has to be said that the appeal of Hong Kong actors is still there.

Not to mention the play, the scene outside the play can also set off a wave of enthusiasm.

I’m sure everyone has seen this picture.

Liu Qingyun was filming at the scene, but no one recognized him. Everyone thought he was a real lunatic. Even many passers-by watched and saw him rush over to avoid subconsciously, with confused eyes.

[Detective Battle] After three months of filming, Liu Qingyun only had one script in his hands. Sometimes he got impatient and even picked up the camera phone…

No one has ever seen Liu Qingyun use a mobile phone on set.

38 degree weather, arrived at 6:30, put on makeup 8 hours in advance and started work, which left a deep impression on Tan Kai who was playing –

"His state is very quiet, not impulsive at all."

Actors in Hong Kong, China, are famous for going out for filming.

People in their 60s, 70s, and even 80s have been consecrated as Buddhas by word of mouth –

The fourth brother, Xie Xian, 80 years old, continued to shoot for 288 hours without stopping; Jackie Chan never wanted a double in a play, and was blacklisted by the insurance company.

The younger generation in their 40s and 50s gradually became the benchmark in the amazement of young people –

Zhang Weijian was willing to be entangled by a real snake in the filming; Yang Yi was slapped and the corners of his mouth were red and swollen in the play; Wang Haoxin slapped 19 times in the play and entered the play madly.

In Cantonese, this is called "de".

Mandarin is to be able to endure and persevere.

Translate again, that isDedication

Every time domestic audiences see these clips, they are envious and curious – how did this tradition come about?


Today I will unfold, flatten, and use magnifying glass for you to see.

Let’s start with a name that you may not be familiar with.

"Uncle Shrimp" Guan Haishan.

More famous than him is his apprentice, Wu Mengda.

Senior figure.

But he’s just a supporting actor –

There is a saying in Hong Kong, China that the protagonist is called brother or sister, and the supporting actors are called uncle and aunt.

"Uncle Shrimp", the supporting role is undoubtedly, but in the end he still won the Lifetime Achievement Award given to him by TVB.

There is also such an interesting story between Guan Haishan and his apprentice Wu Mengda:

When Wu Mengda’s life was at its bleakest, his master gave him the book "Six Lectures on Acting". Later, the book went to Wu Zhenyu, Liu Qingyun, Zhou Xingchi and others.

In the end, the book "Self-Cultivation of Actors" that appeared in the hands of "Dragon Set" Yin Tianchou was based on this.

Going around, the professionalism is passed down from generation to generation, just like a stone thrown into the water, causing circles and ripples.

His apprentice Wu Mengda is a good example –

Not only can it cooperate with Zhou Xingchi’s nonsensical expressionism,At the same time, it can also learn from the experiential method school without falling behind.

In the early days, Wu Mengda accepted all plays in order to support his family, but he was never perfunctory.

After a long time, in various small roles that are different in the world, he has the ability to quickly grasp the role of the character and understand the effect of the character in the play.

Wait until it’s time for the performance.

This person’s life has long been thoroughly understood by him and condensed into the camera.

Why is this possible? Explain in one of his own habits – without a script.

I didn’t pay attention to the plot and dialogue at the scene, this is all done in advance.

At the scene, I will watch the opponent’s performance, how to make the opponent play better, or play each other out, there can be some special places, places of spark.

It’s not that I don’t look.

But it has long been memorized and thoroughly understood.

Zhou Xingchi told a story.

When he first worked with Wu Mengda, Wu Mengda was reading the script in his hand, and there was only one page. When Zhou Xingchi went out to eat and came back, he was still reading the page in his hand.

There are only three lines above:Hello, good morning. Bye.

Zhou Xingchi is curious, do you need to watch the three lines of dialogue for so long?

Wu Mengda said there is.

"I play every role as the protagonist."

Inside the shell of a snail is a dojo,In the limited performance space and scenes, complete the arc construction of your own exclusive characters.

Other supporting characters only hope that green leaves will be lined with red flowers; and he must be, a little green among the thousands of flowers.

One obvious manifestation of the dedication of Hong Kong actors is:true

Real fight really eat, real knife real gun, regardless of role priority and status.

[Losing an orphan] is considered to be the peak of Andy Lau’s acting skills, and the scene in which Andy Lau was slapped was a real hit.

Don’t be a substitute, the sound of every sound is clear to the ears through the screen.

Director Peng Sanyuan stood beside him, covering his mouth the whole time, his eyes unbearable.

Wang Jing once shook his head in public and said that Andy Lau’s life was not lived by people, and he had not eaten rice for ten years.

Chow Yun-fat must have seen the famous scene of beating 12 eggs with one hand in [Tiger Out], and then swallowing it raw with his neck raised.

Lu Yu once mentioned this scene in an interview.

I don’t care how big my stomach is, Chow Yun-fat said. Maybe I will vomit after eating. At that time, the director said "camera" and swallowed it. It’s that simple.

In [Anti-Black Passenger A].

The scene of Jiang Jiamin being buried alive was suffocating.

She lay in the deep pit in this state for nearly half an hour.

Chen Baixiang and Zhou Xingchi filmed [Tang Bohu Dot Autumn Fragrance] and there was a scene where ink was splashed.

Later in a program, Chen Baixiang revealed that the ink splash went directly to his nose, but he endured it in order not to delay the progress.

After the performance, he washed the ink for more than four hours.

In Xiao Zhengnan’s [Great Eunuch], the swill he ate was the real swill prepared by the crew.

Grabbing food from beggars, the chicken thighs fell into the sewage and were also picked up and sent to his mouth.

Because in the play, he is starving and cold.

Speaking of the truth, I have to mention the martial arts actors in Hong Kong, China.

Male Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen to Liu Jiahui, Zou Zhaolong, Yuan Biao, etc., female Hui Yinghong, Yang Ziqiong, Hu Huizhong…

In order to make his debut or become famous, he almost used his life as a prop.

Jumping off a building, falling straight, crashing, skyscooters, human flesh sandbags…

Those intense and even dangerous scenes once became the film’s biggest selling point, laying a solid foundation for the prosperity of Hong Kong martial arts films and an important weight for going global.

CCTV’s cultural documentary "Screening Room 10: Legends of Chinese Film History" dedicated to kung fu, telling the stories behind the scenes.

How far is it really?

In Hong Jinbao’s words, he dared to do anything. In Yuan Wu’s words,That was exchanged for life.

No exaggeration.

When Yuan Wu was filming [Five Lucky Stars], the ambulance was prepared in advance. In his scene, he first fell out of the glass window, then fell on the road, and finally landed on his head.

After filming, he went straight to the hospital.

Even foreign colleagues come to visit the class and feel incredible: Do you dare to do this?

Qian Jiale, one of the martial arts actors, recalled that shouting "click" was not to call it a day, but to save people.

Beyond the scope of ordinary people and ordinary people, it is almost insane.

Later, everyone’s understanding of that group of actors was finally revealed by Tsui Hark’s words:

"What they did in the past, no one will be able to do in the future."

Of course, now we don’t need to use our fists to vent our emotions and support justice, punish evil and promote good. That era will eventually become a thing of the past.

Some people may ask, is this really necessary?

For a talented actor, it may be debatable. But in a short period of time, truth is undoubtedly the fastest way to get into the play, the only shortcut, and the only way to make up for the shortcoming and "deceive" himself and "deceive" the audience.

In [Save Mr. Wu], Andy Lau’s role of being strangled requires the feeling of suffocation and blue veins bulging.

So what do you do?

Come on.

In the Star Talk interview, the director revealed a detail:

"That actor, after Andy finished speaking, he still didn’t dare to strangle him."

Later, it was Andy Lau who persuaded him again and again, and the scene was successfully filmed.

To what extent? His eyes were bloodshot and he stuck out his tongue.

That was the scene.Only then did Andy Lau realize that when he was strangled by the neck, his tongue would fall out by itself.

For actors, it is not surprising that controlling their bodies and organs is a very common means of performance.

But against the backdrop of peers, it appears increasingly rare and valuable.

Do you still remember Ren Jialun’s plastic muscle clothes in "Meeting Junchu", which were pulled out and repeatedly "whipped corpses"?

You know, a year ago, Hong Kong actor Zhang Zhenlang lost 18 kilograms of weight and trained for a year to produce a pair of washboards in order to star in Hai Zhenglan, one of the male protagonists in [The King of Boxing].

Not to mention the fact that less than a minute into the ring in the first season, 56-year-old Lai Yaoxiang lost 9 kilograms in two months.

Of course, this is invisible to the parties involved. Huo Jianhua was fortunate enough to witness it with his own eyes once.

Shooting "Odd Man Yizhi Mei" is almost done, and there is a scene that needs to fall to the ground. Liao Qizhi has been shooting for almost 20 hours in a row for this scene.

At the scene, there were still all kinds of hard falls.

At that time, Huo Jianhua thought to himself, so dedicated. But when the character "died", Liao Qizhi fell to the ground with a snap, because he was old and his physical strength was difficult to support.

At the same time, Huo Jianhua also accepted a solid dedication class.

The TVB training class still uses Liao Qizhi’s improvisation as a teaching material –

In the 1980 version of "Shanghai Beach", Zhou Runfa played Xu Wenqiang with a severed finger, and there was a scene of eating with a severed finger. Zhou Runfa temporarily played it: the cut on the severed finger was painful, and the bowl in his hand fell.

Liao Qizhi, who was in the play, immediately responded: Reach out to take the bowl and read the dialogue.

The bone-turning palm will eliminate the crisis invisibly.

A seemingly brilliant reaction is inseparable from long-term and solid training.

Wang Zulan once took a group of TVB artists on a show "go LIVE! Sitcom", and the "Infinite Training Class" crew they formed presented many TVB classics, but also expressed the hardships behind the actors in Hong Kong, China.

TVB actors who hold up half the sky from Hong Kong TV, everyone has gone through the stage of unforgettable walk-on.

Zhang Zhenlang revealed in the show that the previous scene was filmed at 4 am, but he received a call saying that there was a role to be played at 7 am. But that role was just a stand-in.

Hearing this, Yingda, the guest present, opened his mouth in shock.

However, this is the norm at TVB.

Before Liu Qingyun became famous, he also ran the dragon trap for nearly 10 years. He said that in those years, he was so depressed that he didn’t have time to go home to sleep or fall in love. He felt like a prop rented to the movie studio.

Chow Yun-fat worked around the clock, and even slept on the set… Zhang Jiahui was beaten and cried when he was a martial artist, and was even teased as "the king of dragon traps".

Hu Xinger said that she had been filming for more than 20 hours a day on TVB. Unhappy under high pressure lasted for ten years.

What’s more poignant is that Stephen Chow [King of Comedy] is completely realistic in his tragic struggle.

A few years ago, at the press conference of Xingye [New King of Comedy], Wang Baoqiang recalled the sadness of his pre-fame. Xingye, who stood by the side, listened carefully and focused.

Finally, he sighed with emotion: Anyway, the two of us "dead guys" are the same.

In a cutthroat competitive environment, acting is a disenchanted profession from the outset.

It is no different from other professions, it is just a livelihood to support the family. Everyone must start from a novice, play a supporting role, and then become a high-profile protagonist.

Just like fighting monsters in the workplace. There will be no less hardships and mistakes that should be suffered and made.

When Leung Ka Fai played tricks on Chow Yun Fat, the action he designed was scolded by the director "Who do you think you are, Napoleon?"

Before being nominated for the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor, it took Xue Lin 20 years to reach the threshold of acting.

He even said,One-third of his salary is earned by being scolded.

After the transformation of the TVB training class, those who enter the training class learn not only acting, but also dubbing, hosting, vocal music, image management, market management, martial arts, and even lighting, receiving people and things, and writing scripts.

There is an exam every three months, and if you fail, you will be eliminated. Near graduation, there are also exams, but if you fail, you will not be able to graduate.

Although the training is hard, the competition is still fierce. In the glory days of TVB, the number of applicants for the training class can be as high as 6,000, and only more than 40 people are selected.

In the hard training day after day, professionalism has long been internalized into self-discipline –

Punctuality, focus, extreme…

But strangely, almost no one complained when they left, because they knew that without TVB, no audience would know them.

Professionalism is most reflected in Hong Kong, China –

In the streets of Hong Kong, you can meet the best actor at any occasion.

Chow Yun-fat, who seemed to be alone on the subway, Zhou Yun-fat, who bargained for food in the vegetable market; Liu Qingyun, an enthusiastic citizen who was interviewed; Gu Tianle, a pretty boy who traveled by battery car;

As well as Huang Rihua, who was met by Lu Yu and Zhou Runfa when traveling in a low-key manner.

In the eyes of Hong Kong people, an actor is just an identity and a job. If you leave this job, you will return to the life of ordinary people.

For example, many actors who have changed careers but are still dedicated and low-key.

Paul Che, who plays a master in a number of costume movies, was working as a supervisor in a vegetable market when he received the news that he was competing for the best actor at the Taipei Film Festival with [The Old Man and the Dog] at the age of 59.

The daily work is not on the set, but handling customer complaints, water, electricity, transportation, and catching thieves.

After receiving the news, he was happy for a while, and then he began to struggle with the situation: how to thank and how to meet people. Finally, he didn’t want to. "Waste your energy, go to bed, and get up at four o’clock tomorrow morning to start work."

The news of the competition for the best actor entered the vegetable market, and the owner congratulated: "If you win, I will give you a grouper."

Fish is the biggest and most sincere compliment that stall owners give to dedicated actors.

Zhang Aijia’s apprentice, Yang Qi, once nominated the golden horse female match. Later, he worked as a security guard in the university and even worked part-time as a flower seller to help the chef.

But she still persists in practicing her acting skills, in order to ensure that one day "she will not be too rusty and too nervous."

Acting don’t think too much of yourself, don’t belittle yourself when you leave the spotlight, and straighten your mindset.

And Hong Kong itself strongly advocates this professionalism.

Koo Ming-wah, a thousand-year-old hero, joined the industry in 1990 and was nominated for Best New Actor at the 12th Hong Kong Film Awards for his role as a groom in [Mong Kok Racecourse].

He spoke about the unexpected nomination in a talk show.

Everyone wonders how anyone could be nominated.

"Because no one knows the nominee."

Gu Minghua himself knew that this was a third-class film in the eyes of others, and it was inevitable that it would be put on colored glasses. Of course, it lost. The nominee was Yuan Yongyi [Yafei and Yaji].

The opponents also include Zhu Yin of [Truant Dragon 2] and Zheng Xiuwen of [Flying Tiger Elite Human Love].

But the reason for the nomination is simple:

There you go.

In 2018, at the 37th Hong Kong Film Awards ceremony, an award called "Professionalism Award" was won by a grassroots employee named Yang Ronglian.

No star, no background.

When she took the stage to accept the award, the leaders of the Hong Kong film industry stood up collectively, and everyone applauded enthusiastically.

Jackie Chan said that she is a very important person and would not be used to it without her.

Leslie Cheung, Gong Li, Chow Yun-fat, Tony Leung, Louis Koo, Nicholas Tse… Almost everyone who has filmed in Hong Kong has enjoyed her meticulous service.

Yang Ronglian is illiterate, and the eating and drinking of hundreds of people in the crew is a big problem. If you can’t read, you will memorize your name, and almost everyone’s preferences will be recorded.

Is it difficult to make tea?

"It’s not that simple. It doesn’t mean just passing water. You have to see if the actors are free and if the directors are free."

At the right time, serve delicious refreshments. Sister Lian has done the tea work to the extreme.

The crew started work at 6 o’clock, and she had to get up at 4 o’clock. She worked for more than ten hours a day and could only rest at night.

One time, she did the Gu Tianle version of "Condor Hero" and Andy Lau version of [Machine Boy’s True and False Weilong] ([Dragon God Prince]). She didn’t go home for seven days and seven nights.

Dedication, no less than any professional actor.

See the stitches for meticulous service, this honor is well deserved.


2009 University of Hong Kong. An aunt who worked as an assistant chef and cleaner for 44 years was named an honorary fellow.

She didn’t have much earth-shattering or outstanding contributions, just an ordinary worker who couldn’t be more simple.

When she passed away, people from all walks of life in Hong Kong, China, mourned her.

The media published articles to mourn;

Madison, the president of the University of Hong Kong, said that she has left a glorious tradition for the University of Hong Kong.

The University of Hong Kong specially produced a short film for her and updated the homepage of its official website: I will miss you forever, Third Sister-in-law.

Like Sister Lian, this third sister-in-law, Yuan Sumei, also achieves dedication to the extreme.

In order to soften the sago, in the days when there was no pressure cooker, you had to stand in front of the stove for two hours; run to get medicine for sick children; in order to let students eat delicious horse bean cakes, you had to cook them on slow heat for an hour, and keep stirring during the period…

Many children studying at Hong Kong University have been carefully cared for by the third sister-in-law. And she is never ostentatious and works hard.

Later, she was compiled into the university’s orientation textbook and written into the dormitory song that freshmen must learn:

There are three treasures in the university hall: the rotating copper ladder, the four unlike sculptures and the three sisters-in-law.

The ceremony was conducted entirely in English, and because she used Chinese, she deliberately read the praise in Cantonese.

If said.

The dedication of an actor comes out of it.

It is a survival move that does not invest, there is no food to eat, and it is a hard-working and tenacious survival force that is "forced".

Then, the dedication of these grassroots workers is more like an interpretation of the fighting spirit of Hong Kong, China.

Regardless of occupation, try your best to do your job well, be hard-working and forging ahead.

This dedication has helped Hong Kong, China, to take off and thrive, and has also become a valuable asset and spiritual portrayal that has been passed down for generations.

Nowadays, careers are changing, the environment is changing, and so are people.

The only thing that hasn’t changed is the tacit understanding between the two generations –

There is sweat, there is food.

The pictures in this article are from the Internet

Editorial Assistant: Yimou not emo

Intelligent electric top-notch work! Avita 12 is at the forefront of the industry

In the current highly competitive smart new energy track, every innovation may challenge and exceed the traditional. The Avita 12, a new luxury model designed with "future aesthetics" as its design concept, has become the focus of the current automotive market with its unique exterior design, luxurious interior configuration and advanced intelligent driving system.

In terms of exterior design, Avita 12 insists on originality, with a shaft length ratio of 0.61, an aspect ratio of 1.38 and a wheel height ratio of 0.514 to create the ultimate proportional beauty. This design not only shows the aura of luxury, but also perfectly combines futuristic feeling with practicality. The new 2024 car has introduced a new appearance color of bright gold. This innovative "chameleon" paint surface has been repeatedly polished for 6 months, so that the whole vehicle presents the ultimate texture and beauty in the interlacing of light and shadow.

Entering the car, the panoramic digital wrapping induction cockpit of Avita 12 is eye-catching. The double zero-gravity seats in the front row are standard, providing passengers with the ultimate comfortable experience. The full-field ultra-clear linkage screen and intelligent light-sensing color-changing dome allow passengers to enjoy the convenience brought by technology, but also feel luxury and comfort. The panoramic sound field of CST coaxial speakers enhances the luxury of the whole vehicle from the sound. And the unique "dual energy well" foot-diving battery design not only breaks the boundary restrictions of luxury cockpit space and streamlined design, but also achieves the largest and most comfortable rear seat experience in the same class.

The Avita 12 series comes standard with 3 lidars and 29 smart driving sensors, and is equipped with Huawei’s latest high-end smart driving HUAWEI ADS 2.0 system, which makes the vehicle have extremely high intelligent driving capabilities. The smart driving NCA function that does not rely on high-precision maps makes Avita 12 truly realize the vision of being able to drive across the country, and the more you drive, the better you drive. At the same time, a number of functions are optimized through OTA, including tidal lanes and bus lanes, which are passable. The new Lateral Obstacle Anti-Collision System (LOCP) further solidifies Avita 12’s "leader" position on the smart driving track.

In terms of safety, Avita 12 has 19 intelligent active safety configurations, and is equipped with 3 lidar fusion general obstacle perception network to achieve 360-degree surround anti-collision protection. In passive safety, the use of ultra-high-strength steel-aluminum hybrid cage body, aviation-grade aluminum and high-strength steel accounted for more than 80%, to ensure that the vehicle can provide maximum protection for passengers in the event of an accident. In addition, the vehicle also has excellent three-electric safety performance, including the H-type ternary lithium battery customized by Ningde Times, which uses a high-strength 6-series aluminum alloy battery to protect the shell. After 150 + special project safety and performance tests, the safety of the battery is guaranteed.

All in all, Avita 12 has become the leader in the current luxury electric vehicle market with its unique design concept, luxurious interior configuration, leading intelligent driving technology and all-round safety redundancy. Avita not only shows the future trend of automobile design, but also protects the safety of every driver and occupant with hard-core strength.

AITO asks the world to explore the store experience

With the popularity of new energy vehicles in China, most consumers will try to consider buying a new energy vehicle to meet their daily needs when buying a car. In this era full of intelligence, the intelligence level and endurance performance of a new energy vehicle have become the most concerned issues for consumers. When it comes to the intelligence of new energy vehicles, we have to mention the Celestial brand with Huawei’s empowerment. Today, I will take you to see what are the highlights of AITO’s models.

AITO Wenjie brand was released in 2021. It is a brand-new high-end new energy vehicle brand owned by Celeste Automobile, and also a smart car brand with Huawei empowerment, focusing on the domestic high-end smart car market. Although it has only been less than two years since AITO’s brand was released, its products have occupied a place in the high-end market, and the delivery volume of the first extended-range model has also increased steadily since its release, and then the flagship model and the pure electric model of the M5 have been launched. On the occasion of the opening of the year in 2023, AITO Wenjie brand not only lowered the price of its products, but also brought users a series of measures such as store rejuvenation and worry-free service.

AITO user center is completely renewed.

Brand storefronts distributed in various cities are not only the owner’s second home, but also the face of the brand, which shows the tonality and strength of the brand to the outside world. Therefore, brands should also think carefully about the design and decoration of storefronts and show the best side to consumers. The upgraded AITO User Center is full of science and technology, using a minimalist and textured black and white gray+cocoa tea gold color scheme, which looks luxurious from the outside. The interior also uses a simple decoration style, and the overall color is light, which highlights a luxury style.

Based on brand-new service processes and standards, the newly upgraded AITO User Center has re-planned and divided the space to provide users with brand-new car buying experience and after-sales maintenance service. Provide user experience area, exhibition hall, boutique display, negotiation and audio service. The user’s lounge provides a spacious and comfortable sofa and a variety of snacks and drinks. You can also order a cup of coffee in the coffee area after watching the car and enjoy the warmth and comfort at home.

The new price of the two models in the New Year is lowered, and the old owners are not forgotten.

For buying a car, the price must be the place that consumers are most concerned about. The subsidy policy for new energy vehicles, which has been enjoyed for 13 years, has come to an "end" with the disappearance of the flavor of the year, which means that the days of bonus hunter are gone forever. In the face of the new policy, many car companies have officially announced price increases to cope with the cost pressure. At this time, the AITO brand played the role of a retrograde. Just as everyone announced the price increase, AITO did lower the official guide price of the M5 pure electricity and the M7 pure electricity, with the highest drop of 30,000 yuan for individual configuration models. In addition, for users who have already picked up the car, AITO also gave gifts such as basic maintenance, extended warranty and points.

As for the car owners who have bought cars, AITO has not forgotten you, and provided the first car owners with the rights package with a total value of 33,000 ~ 35,000, including an 8-year/160,000-kilometer extended vehicle warranty worth 21,000 ~ 23,000 yuan. And 120,000 AITO points worth 12,000 yuan can be used to purchase Huawei products in AITO Mall. At the same time, for the customer M5 whose price has not been adjusted, it also provides two years of basic maintenance, which obviously increases the trust and loyalty of users invisibly.

What are the highlights of AITO models?

I think many people will have this experience. Sometimes they will get to know a brand you are not familiar with because they choose a pleasant product. After a long-term contact, you will gradually understand it and become a loyal fan of this brand. I think AITO Jiejie brand also has this ability. It can gradually turn consumers into its loyal fans through its own products. Then let’s take a look at what highlights the models under AITO Jiejie brand have.

Like a car must start from the appearance. Although consumers are not necessarily Yan value parties, everyone has different requirements for beauty. AITO’s three models all adopt a simple design, and the smooth body curve highlights the beauty of the lines of the vehicle. The appearance of the extended range version of Wujie M5 is basically the same as that of the pure electric version. The pure electric version adopts a closed front grille, which is more like a new energy vehicle. The extended-range version looks relatively conventional, and the pop-up door handle is not only beautiful but also reduces the wind resistance. According to the official, the wind resistance coefficient of the two cars is only 0.266cd.

M5 Extended Range Edition

Wenjie M5 pure electric plate

As the flagship SUV model of the current brand, Wenjie M7 is positioned as a luxurious and intelligent large-scale electric SUV, with the ultimate aesthetic design that perfectly interprets the luxurious and comfortable space and the sense of science and technology. In terms of appearance design, it is in the same strain as Wenjie M5, which came out earlier, and the whole vehicle embodies elegant, dynamic and atmospheric modeling.

M7 Extended Range Edition

In terms of interior, the two versions of the M5 are basically the same, and the lightweight design and the atmosphere full of science and technology are very in line with the positioning of these two cars. It is worth mentioning that the mobile phone wireless charging panel on the auxiliary instrument panel has been upgraded to a dual-machine position, and the power has reached 40 watts. The interior color also has two new color schemes compared with the extended-range model, namely, Que Yu Hong and Shaohua Apricot, one of which highlights the warmth of home and the other highlights the sense of sports.

Wenjie M5 Extended Range Edition Interior

Wenjie M5 pure electric version mobile phone charging panel

In the design of the interior, the M7 maintains what a standard smart car should look like. The interior is all wrapped in soft materials, and a moderate combination of piano paint panel and wood decorative board creates a strong sense of luxury. No matter where you touch and press the cockpit, you can feel the excellent feel brought by excellent materials. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can rival a million-class luxury car.

Compared with the asking world M5, the asking world M7 is superior in riding comfort. Not only the seating space and seat setting are more advantageous, but also the "zero gravity seat" configuration is provided. The seat innovatively adopts the original 3-axis dynamic adjustment, and through the linkage adjustment of the double slide rails driven by 6 motors, the seat can move backward and left to achieve the ultimate space experience. Sitting on it feels like floating on the water or in the clouds.

The M7 also provides a professional-grade sound system with 19 units for HUAWEI SOUND, which uses Boom-Boom bass transient control technology and can perfectly support the output of 1000W power amplifier. Full-system active frequency division technology, 7.1-channel immersion sound field, industry-class main driver headrest sound system and ENC active noise reduction function bring a better immersive audio-visual experience.

As a leading brand of high-end smart models, AITO has a leading edge in the smart cockpit after being empowered by Huawei, and it is also an important point of view of the product. The intelligent cockpit system of Huawei HarmonyOS is installed in the car world M5, the car world M5 EV and the car world M7. This system can be seamlessly connected with Huawei mobile phones, and provides a "super desktop" function, which realizes the layout display of the car-machine interface parallel to the horizon and the integration and sharing of the mobile phone ecology and the car-machine ecology. It also supports the mutual calling function of the car-machine hardware and various interactive layout coverage. For example, when using WeChat to make video calls with family members, the system will call the camera in the car to realize.

In addition, Huawei HarmonyOS system also provides a wealth of online entertainment resources, ranging from music videos to smart homes. It can be said that as long as you drive a car with AITO brand, the mobile phone is basically useless, and entertainment navigation can be done on the car.

AITO Jiejie brand used the extended program power in its early product Jiejie M5 and mid-term product Jiejie M7. The pure battery life of Wenjie M5 can reach 200 kilometers, and the comprehensive battery life is 1100+ kilometers, while the pure battery life of Wenjie M7 equipped with 40kWh ternary lithium battery is better, reaching 230 kilometers and the comprehensive battery life is over 1200 kilometers. If it’s just a city ride and it’s convenient to charge, it can be used as a pure electric vehicle. Even if you travel long distances and have a battery life of more than 1000 kilometers, what are you worried about?

In order to meet consumers’ more diversified car demand and market demand, and to gain a foothold in the pure electric new energy vehicle market, AITO Jiejie launched the pure electric vehicle M5 EV at the end of 2022. The pure electric version has mainly changed in power, providing two versions of standard rear-drive and four-wheel drive. The rear-drive version uses a ternary lithium battery of 80kWh, and the rear-drive version has a battery life of 620 kilometers under CLCT standards. The four-wheel drive performance version is 552 kilometers. This endurance performance belongs to the upstream level of the echelon, and the four-wheel drive version can also bring excellent power and good handling performance to users.

The M5 EV version also provides a super power-saving mode, which can be turned on with one button when the battery is too low and the charging pile is far away. At this time, the vehicle will provide a comprehensive cruising range of 12 kilometers to help you reach the charging station closest to you, which gives the owner an extra car guarantee.

Quest M5, Quest M5 pure electric EV and Quest M7 all provide the mainstream intelligent driving assistance functions at present, and I have the honor to experience them deeply. After the intelligent driving assistance system is turned on, the logic and operation stability of the automatic driving assistance function of the system are good, and vehicles with lane change and traffic jam can be predicted in advance, and the lane can be kept in the center of the lane, without the situation of "drawing dragons" on the left and right.

It is worth mentioning that all models of AITO Jiejie brand currently support V2L external discharge function, which means that you can use them as a large outdoor power supply. If camping is hot recently, you can use the external discharge function to drive more powerful household appliances, so as not to be bound by energy and improve the comfort of camping.

Upgrading process standards and launching worry-free services

Just like the one mentioned at the beginning of the article, buying goods is actually buying services. Only by satisfying consumers can we improve brand image and user loyalty. The worry-free service launched by AITO Jiejie brand this time is based on the user center, including the vision and implementation standards of network capability and service capability.

In addition to the overall rejuvenation of brand stores, brand service outlets are gradually increasing. Up to now, AITO brand has covered more than 230 cities and more than 1,000 stores. The wide distribution of stores allows users to enjoy peace of mind and comfort wherever they go.

In addition to the widely distributed sales network in China, AITO has also upgraded its service processes and standards. From the moment users enter the store to the moment they leave, users can enjoy the worry-free and pleasant service experiences such as intimate reception, safe construction and sincere delivery, and create a one-stop functional site for consumers to see, buy, select, maintain and repair cars.

AITO is the fastest growing new energy brand in the world.

Again, without good products and good services, everything is empty talk. It’s not easy for this new brand AITO Wenjie, which was established less than two years ago, to stand out in today’s fiercely competitive domestic new energy market with the endorsement of Cyrus and the empowerment of Huawei, and it’s not easy to launch three products in just one year. Moreover, the cumulative delivery of Wenjie M5 has exceeded 10,000 in 87 days after its listing, thus setting the shortest record for the delivery of a single brand model to exceed 10,000, and its strength can’t be underestimated in the domestic new energy vehicle market.

In terms of brand services, a series of services, such as the rejuvenation of AITO’s brand stores and the improvement of service standards, provide consumers with exquisite car purchase and car use experience, but also invisibly enhance the brand value. Especially after the end of the subsidy policy for new energy vehicles, AITO brand not only lowered the price of new cars, but also left the pressure for itself to give back to users. At the same time, it also introduced various subsidy policies for old car owners, which also formed a sharp contrast with recent practices.

In short, there are excellent products and excellent services. I believe that AITO’s brand will definitely play its own role in the domestic new energy market and be recognized and loved by more consumers.

[Financial Afternoon Tea] Guoxin Investment announced that it will increase its holdings of the CSI Guoxin Central Enterprise Science and Technology Index Fund; US judge issues preliminary injunction

  Closing comprehensive evaluation

  A shares:

  On December 1st, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock indexes fluctuated downward in the morning and rebounded in the afternoon, and the three major stock indexes all turned red in intraday trading. As of the close,Up by 0.07%,Down 0.07%,Up 0.19%. In terms of plates, short playsThe concept has soared.20% daily limit,Waiting for the daily limit;Rising in the afternoon,Waiting for the 20% daily limit,Many stocks have risen by more than 10%; The news said that state-owned capital operating companies entered the market to buy.,The concept stocks rose in the afternoon.Daily limit; Internet, media,, software,Waiting for the top increase; A few sectors such as automobiles and hotel catering fell.

  Hong kong stocks:

  Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index closed down 1.25%, and the Hang Seng Technology Index fell 1.76%.It fell by nearly 11%.Electronics fell more than 5%, Meituan,Xiaomi Group fell nearly 3%.

  Asia-Pacific stock market:

  The Nikkei 225 index fell by 0.17%, and the KOSPI index of South Korea fell by 1.19%.

  Counting a shares:

  1. The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today was 834.1 billion.

  2. On December 1st, as of the closing of A-shares, the total net sales of northbound funds was 4.997 billion yuan, of whichThe net sale was 4.062 billion yuan,Net sales of 935 million yuan. The turnover of northbound funds was 120.307 billion yuan, accounting for 14.42% of the total turnover of A shares, and the trading activity decreased by 7.15%.

  Hot spot focusing

  1. Office of the Central Financial Committee and the Central Financial Work Committee: Insist on preventing and controlling risks as the eternal theme of financial work.

  The Office of the Central Financial Committee and the Central Financial Work Committee wrote "Unswervingly Take the Road of Financial Development with China Characteristics" in Qiushi. Among them, it is mentioned that risk prevention and control should be the eternal theme of financial work. To take the road of China’s characteristic financial development, we must attach great importance to the infectivity, concealment and destructiveness of financial risks, strengthen the sense of hardship, firmly establish the bottom line thinking and extreme thinking, do a good job in risk prevention and control with the sense of responsibility of "always worrying", and firmly hold the bottom line that systematic financial risks will not occur.

  2. Guoxin Investment announced that it will increase its holdings of the CSI Guoxin Central Enterprise Science and Technology Index.

  China Guoxin Holdings Co., Ltd. was released on December 1.It is said that its Guoxin Investment Co., Ltd. increased its holdings of the CSI Guoxin Central Enterprise Science and Technology Index Fund today and will continue to increase its holdings in the future.

  3. Caixin China Manufacturing Industry in November.It rose to 50.7, the highest in three months

  The manufacturing PMI of Caixin China in November 2023, which was announced on December 1st, recorded 50.7, up 1.2 percentage points from October, and returned to the expansion range, reaching a three-month high.

  4. The US judge issued a preliminary injunction against the TikTok ban in Montana.

  On November 30th, Judge Donald molloy of Missoula Branch of the Federal District Court for the District of Montana issued a preliminary injunction, temporarily prohibiting Montana from implementing the injunction against TikTok. According to the preliminary injunction, the ban on TikTok in Montana should be prevented from being implemented, because the claims made by TikTok and its creators as plaintiffs are reasonable, and the ban on TikTok issued by Montana may violate the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment of the US Constitution, the federal priority setting in the US legal system and the commercial clause of the US Constitution.

  5. Shanghai issued Several Opinions on Promoting the Reform, Innovation, Development and Construction of the World’s Leading Science and Technology Park in Zhangjiang High-tech Zone.

  The General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government issued a notice on Several Opinions on Promoting the Reform, Innovation, Development and Construction of the World’s Leading Science and Technology Park in Zhangjiang High-tech Zone, with the goal of benchmarking the world’s leading science and technology park, and striving to form a management system and mechanism with strong overall planning, consistent powers and responsibilities, urban linkage, synergy and high efficiency in three years, so as to create a leading industry.A high-quality park with perfect, relatively concentrated space and vibrant ecology.

  6. Wuhan: Support the development.Car trade-in, car going to the countryside and other automobile consumption promotion activities.

  The Wuhan Municipal Government issued the Notice on Several Policies and Measures to Enhance the Development of Endogenous Motivation and Promote Economic Recovery. It is mentioned that boosting bulk consumption. Tap the potential of automobile consumption and support various enterprises and business associations to carry out various automobile consumption promotion activities such as car trade-in and car going to the countryside; Through the government’s centralized procurement of new and updated ordinary official vehicles, in principle, the proportion of car use is not less than 80%; Reward policy with sufficient points, supportThe promotion and use of automobiles. Support the promotion of green smart home appliances, encourage green home appliance production and sales enterprises to benefit the people and trade in the old ones, and promote smart home appliances, integrated home appliances, functional home appliances and other products.

  Company news

  1、In November, the automobile sales volume was 20,318 vehicles, up 145.92% year-on-year.

  (601127) On the evening of December 1st, it was announced that the sales volume of Celestial vehicles in November was 20318, up by 145.92% year-on-year.

  2、15,959 units were delivered in November, up 12.6% year-on-year.

  On December 1, the delivery volume in November 2023 was announced, and a total of 15,959 new cars were delivered, a year-on-year increase of 12.6%; From January to November 2023, a total of 142,026 new cars were delivered, a year-on-year increase of 33.1%.

  3、In November, a total of 20,041 new cars were delivered, a year-on-year increase of 245%.

  According to official sources, a total of 20,041 new cars were delivered in November, up 245% year-on-year. The monthly delivery exceeded 20,000 units for two consecutive months, hitting a new high in a single month.

  4、: Stop planning to split the holding subsidiary into the main board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and apply for listing on the New Third Board.

  (603367) announced on the evening of December 1, according to the company’s first temporary in 2023.Authorized by the general meeting, the board of directors agreed to terminate the plan to split Shandong Chenxin Fodu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Fodu Pharmaceutical"), a holding subsidiary, into Shenzhen.The listing of the main board of the Exchange (referred to as "split listing"), and agreed that Fodu Pharmaceutical applied for listing in the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Share Transfer System (New Third Board) (referred to as "this listing"). After this listing, Fodu Pharmaceutical will seek to be listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange according to the future capital market environment and strategic development needs.

  5. AITO series delivered 18,827 new cars in November.

  The reporter learned that in November, 2023, HarmonyOS Zhixing’s AITO series delivered a total of 18,827 new cars. The new M7 delivered 15,242 new cars, with a cumulative delivery of over 27,000.

  6、Since the beginning of this year, the investment in public real estate loans has exceeded 300 billion yuan.

  According to "China" official micro, China actively docked a number of key real estate enterprises, and conducted in-depth business exchanges in the form of one-on-one to discuss the cooperation between banks and enterprises under the new situation, helping to build a new model of real estate development. Since this year,Corporate real estate loans have exceeded 300 billion yuan, and personal housing loans have reached nearly one trillion yuan. At the same time, we actively cooperate with the work of "guaranteeing the delivery of buildings" and increase support for new real estate areas that meet national policies. In the next step, we will actively practice the responsibility of state-owned banks, focusing on rigid and improved housing, rental housing and other fields, and three major projects, such as "village in the city, affordable housing, and emergency use".Loans, personal housing mortgage loans,Increase resources investment in loans, syndicated loans and bond underwriting and investment, and support the multi-dimensional and reasonable financing needs of housing enterprises in each cycle. At the same time, firmly adhere to the "two unwavering", for non-state-owned housing enterprises, from optimizationPolicies, speeding up the examination and approval of loans, and clarifying the duty exemption, etc., establish and improve the long-term mechanism of "dare to lend, be willing to lend, be able to lend, and be willing to lend", and continuously improve the service quality and support for non-state-owned housing enterprises.

"Hot Search" released the ending song MV Zhou Dongyu fought for justice with his life.

1905 movie network news Recently, the film starring,, and released the ending song "Byakki Smoker" MV. VaVa Mao Yanqi, Ai Re AIR, and Wan Nida Vinida Weng used powerful lyrics, "Danger is hidden in the school workplace, there are dark alleys" and "greedy and ugly criticism, eyeing at any time", and the victim girls help girls was deeply trapped in the "campus interest chain", with Zhou Dongyu in the MV.

In the movie, the girl who should have been at the "desk" was sent to the "wine table". Deeply involved in the "industrial chain of choosing a concubine on campus", she wanted to resist the power and seek a voice, but she was framed by the "helper girl" carefully designed by the capital crocodile, and was pushed to the topic center to jump off the building under the pressure of public opinion … After receiving the help from the victims, Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, decided to launch a "life and death struggle" with the power. In addition, a group of fellow travelers who pursue justice also stood beside Chen Miao, helping the light shine into the darkness hand in hand.

Xin Yukun, the director, devoted himself to digging deep into the realistic theme, and comprehensively analyzed the plight and strength of women in front of the public through multiple roles and perspectives. In the movie, the victim’s mother’s inability to compromise, Chen Miao’s mother’s "Nothing, Mom has a pension", the female secretary’s silence, and Yu Tian’s desperate efforts to collect evidence all touched the hearts of the audience. Some viewers said, "It’s worthwhile to wait for six years, not only to see the situation of women in the movie, but also to see their sense of strength. Women of different identities and ages have their own voices and are very moved."

In the MV, strong lyrics and warm-blooded melody, "I am kind and brave but unwilling to be ordinary, I am you who are confined everywhere in the sky, I am you who are sincere and frank but have to lie, and I am you who come home at a faster pace in the cold night", which vividly depicts the female experience in the movie and is also Chen Miao’s struggling cry for the victimized women.

Some viewers said, "When I saw Chen Miao firmly standing on Zhang Xiao’s side to seek justice for her,’ Girls Power’ became concrete, and even if there was little hope, I would speak for the weak."

After watching the movie, some viewers shared their hearts. "The movie is actually a voice for countless innocent and vulnerable groups." In this era of network chaos, online public opinion has also become a double-edged sword. Some people maliciously spread rumors to cover up the truth, while others pursue justice and blood. Director Xin Yukun said, "I hope to give strength to the young audience. As long as we keep good thoughts and speak out bravely, no matter how many Wang Shimin we meet, we can break through.".

Super inspirational! A 9-year-old boy with cerebral palsy wrote a novel with 2.1 million words.

       CCTV News:In Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, there is a post-90s youth named Mao Hantao. He suffers from congenital cerebral palsy, with muscular atrophy in both legs and difficulty in walking. The fingers of both hands are almost stiff, and only the index finger of his right hand can move. Although his IQ is normal, he dropped out of school at home after graduating from junior high school because of his health and other reasons.

       At school, Mao Hantao was good at writing. At home, he sometimes made up some short stories about his feelings. He used his only movable finger to type. In this way, he spent nine years, and has created more than 2 million words of novels so far, knocking out a sky for his writer’s dream.


       Two or three crosses wrote two million words in one minute.

       Mao Hantao is a post-90s generation. Only his right hand is flexible, and his left hand can’t type at all. So he can only knock with one thumb, maybe twenty or thirty words a minute. He keeps writing novels, changes them if he is not satisfied, and then deletes them and rewrites them if he is not satisfied. Delete write, write delete like that … … Then step by step to achieve their own satisfactory state.

       At that time, when I started writing, I didn’t intend to publish it at all. Then I wrote about 500,000 to 600,000 words and posted them on that Baidu Post Bar. Mao Hantao had several QQ groups, and people in their QQ groups said, Your writing is not bad, and your writing is not bad. Why not publish it … … Then he wanted to try it, and then he went to the domestic novel website and published it on their platform, with about 38 thousand hits. After the novel was written, he got the money, and the manuscript fee was 1400 yuan. After getting it, Mao Hantao was also happy all day.

       Mao Xiaotao’s father Mao Xiaobo: "It is also his own hobby that children can write now. We also feel very happy. We also hope that he can stick to his hobby and change his life through his hobby."

       Write your own shadows and dreams into the novel.

       We might as well read a short paragraph: "Time has passed, and in a blink of an eye, things have changed, and things have changed … … Everything, unconsciously, is branded in everyone’s heart — — It’s called the brand of time. One man, one sword. No one knows how long this man has been by this well … … Maybe even he must have forgotten? "

       This is a fragment from Mao Hantao’s novels. Mao Hantao feels that his style of writing has the shadow of his idol Jin Yong, while the hero has his own shadow. He said that the protagonist is a slow learner, but he is very diligent, and finally he is recognized by the underworld and the divine world. Here are his shadows and dreams.

       Mao Hantao said that the protagonists in his novels usually have one thing in common, that is, the little people at the bottom of society are not good at anything and can’t do anything well, and later they succeeded through hard work. Just like himself. Now he has finished a novel with a length of 1.29 million words, which is definitely not the end of Mao Hantao’s dream. He is writing several novels at the same time, including basketball and other themes. Mao Hantao said, "I am an upward young man, and I am willing to strive for the top. I also hope that I can become a writer who can support my family, and I hope that girls will like me. Although this is a bit difficult, I will work hard for it." May his dream come true.

Does Japan rely on her to grab the "Biden network"? Being an ambassador without political knowledge, being called a "vase" is powerful!

Most coats are the same version, the same details and design.

If you want to wear fashion and taste, you have toColor matchingWork hard.

Color matching is not just an aesthetic matter..

It is more about our personality and mood, about the changes in the surrounding environment, and even about a part of ourselves that we hide.

Now, I will recommend several fashionable and temperament colors according to several conventional coat colors:



Red, extremely warm and unrestrained, is visually expansive;

Black, in the dark of all colors, is visually contractible.

The combination of red and black is very eye-catching and can catch people’s eyes at the first time.

Red and black match.Pay attention to the proportion of collocation.

It’s best to avoid 50-50 points, and half of the red and black is a test of the body.

Take black as the inner coat and red as the coat color, respectively.30% and 70% of the proportion.Red will become the main color of the overall shape, and black is also an embellishment color, which is eye-catching and appropriate.

Or reduce the proportion, so that red becomes the main color, and black becomes the ornament of the whole body, and it is placed in the lower body that is not easy to be noticed.

This can ease the sense of formality of red+black. It can also be neutralized with other light colors to make the face look softer and more radiant.

People whose skin color is not suitable for red, or those who wear red and show rusticity, can also choose to decorate their faces with black scarves or black turtlenecks.

When choosing a red coat, it should be noted that red is not the brighter the better, but the more valuable it is.

Red with ancient flavor is so restrained, rational and healthy. Echoing the depth of black.



Pink is sweet and soft, which will be more romantic when used in wool coats.

Many women will think of using white lining as a treatment, but white+sweet powder, like a newborn stamen, is out of harmony with the depressed scenery in winter. It will also appear that people are too delicate.

Rational color matching isPink+denim blue.

Yingying pink will look mature and neat under the blue tone, and blue will be full of poetry because of the temperature of the powder.

Whether it is white ice blue or old gray blue, whether the pink tone is bright or dark, powder+blue is an excellent combination.

If you really can’t handle it, then choosePink coat with blue jeans.



Blue and white color matching, which contains Chinese aesthetics..

Blue and white porcelain outlines the misty years, and Kong Quelan reflects the moonlight. There is nothing more representative of restraint and restraint than blue and white.

Half blue and half cold white..

The pale blue with white hue matches the cold white, and there is a freshness that does not belong to winter. More pleasant than the breeze and green water in spring and summer.

Large area of blue, withOff-white for local embellishment.It is a good color scheme to shape intellectual temperament.

On the bright sideRoyal blue with white, giving people a very refreshing and clean feeling. Decorate with a small area of yellow, and you will gain a happy feeling.

For office workers,The best blue is navy blue..

It has the characteristics of maturity and stability, and then it is lit in white, bright without losing its aura.

Navy Blue+Black


Navy blue is a very meaningful color, but it is not easy to be found. It is mature but not dull, calm and serious.

The whole is full of elegant and noble atmosphere, and women with strong gas field are very interested.

Navy blue with black, you can clearly see the transition from black to navy blue. This color combination is more layered than black, which is the best embodiment of quality and aesthetic taste.

A large area of navy blue and black will inevitably cause a feeling of depression. Try using a light scarf or lace to reduce boredom.

Light khaki, brownIt is also an excellent companion of navy blue, and local brown embellishment can make people feel happy.

Caramel color+off-white color system


The caramel color with warm breath is the first choice for many people’s coats.

The visual effect of caramel color is not very amazing, but it cannot be ignored. Caramel color+off-white, especially suitable for black and yellow skin.

Just like the shining winter sunshine, it reminds people of the winter stove and the mood of sitting by the stove and watching the snow outside the window with a blanket.

Caramel color meets white, and the fresh one will look particularly fresh. The feeling of warmth is undiminished.

I suggest you put white on your upper body. This color scheme makes the skin white, and the whole person looks radiant.

Sister-in-law’s coat is oat white, trousers are caramel color, and a red and white striped shirt is built inside. Luotuo is powerful, and women in the workplace can learn from it.

Besides white, you can also use it.Caramel color with dark green. Like the wild scenery at the end of autumn.

Leaves are intertwined with greenery, and no one wants to bid farewell to a season. A touch of red on the shoes, although colliding with green, is harmonious and amazing because of the caramel coat.



The forbearance and introversion of gray and the vitality and peace of green have always been the right combination.

You don’t even need to consider the color saturation of this set of colors. Even bright green can show a fresh and clean aesthetic feeling against the gray. However, it should be noted that it is a small area dotted inside.

Anyone who thinks gray is not easy to wear must try gray with green.

Especially light gray+olive green, which is a very soft and connotative color scheme.

Get olive green close to your face, and you will get different surprises.

Excellent color matching is enough to make up for the lack of fabric style and change the overall style trend. Reflect a person’s collocation level and grasp of aesthetic feeling.

In a coat dominated by contours and fabrics, it is especially necessary to rely on color matching to show matching skills.

It doesn’t matter whether the coat is eye-catching or not. What matters is whether you feel a color in this piece of thick ink or light color.Warm and interesting winter.


Women are especially tolerant of colors, and few people insist that they are only suitable for a certain color. However, for big clothes, the most important thing is to know how to choose.

Sometimes, less color doesn’t mean boring, but too many colors may cause boredom.

May you live a colorful life; If it is colorless, it’s better to be spotless and noble.

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Amazing time, about those nicknames of autumn.

Autumn is rich in Gao Shuang’s autumn sky, and there are many beautiful nicknames. For example, July in the lunar calendar is called first autumn, Meng autumn, early autumn, early autumn, new autumn and last autumn, August in the lunar calendar is called positive autumn, mid-autumn, Mid-autumn and Guiqiu, and September in the lunar calendar is called late autumn, seasonal autumn, cool autumn and late autumn. In addition, there are many nicknames for autumn. Have you heard of the following?



The whole autumn is about 90 days, divided into 90 days, so autumn is called nine autumn. Tang Du Fu’s poem "Moon" said: "Considering Heng E’s widowhood, it is cold and resistant to nine autumn."



According to the ancient five elements, autumn belongs to gold, so it is called golden sky or golden autumn. Tang Wang Wei has a poem: "Jin Tian Jing Xi Li San Guang, Tong Ting Shu Xi Yan Ba Huang." There is a poem by Chen Ziang in Tang Dynasty: "The Jin Tianfang is cold, and the Millennium is special."



In ancient times, the five elements said that autumn was golden, but gold was white, so autumn was called "golden element". Xie Lingyun of the Southern Dynasty stated in the poem "The county of Yongming three years began to make its capital on July 16th": "The period of technical post was stopped, and the reason was changed into golden element". Shan Li later explained this: "Gold element, autumn also. Autumn is gold and white, so it is called gold. "



According to the ancient five elements, autumn belongs to gold and its color is white, so autumn is also called plain autumn. Tang Du Fu’s Autumn Prosperity (VI): "Qujiangtou at the mouth of Qutang Gorge, Wan Lifeng smoke meets Suqiu." Song Ouyang Xiu’s poem "Clear Business Complaints" says: "The river is full of worries, and it is getting late in autumn."



In ancient times, the five tones (Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu) cooperated with the four seasons, and Shang was autumn. The sound of business is piercing, corresponding to the cold air in autumn, so it is called business autumn. Jin Panni’s "An Pomegranate Fu": "Shang and Qiu gave gas, and collected China and gathered reality." Lu-Ji’s "Xing Si Fu": "Shang and Qiu Su’s hair festival, mysterious clouds and shadows." Besides Shang Qiu, there are other nicknames such as Shang Xu, Shang Jie and Bai Shang.



Refers to autumn. "Sui Shu Tian Wen Zhi" records: "The sun travels eastward along the ecliptic, once a day and once a night, 365 days are strange and Sunday. (Japan) The trip to the east is called spring, the trip to the south is called summer, the trip to the west is called autumn, and the trip to the north is called winter. "


Bai Zang

According to the five-color theory, autumn is white with five colors, and autumn is the harvest and storage season, so autumn is called Bai Zang. Tang Weizheng’s "Five Suburbs Movement Bai Di Shang Yin": "Bai Zang should celebrate the festival, the sky is high and the air is clear, and the old years are both rich, and the harvest is ordinary." In the poem "Xuanpu Lecture" by Xiao Tong of the Southern Dynasties, he said: "Bai Zang is already dying, and Xuan Ying is in order."



It refers to the cold autumn, hence the name because of the strong autumn wind. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties Lu Ji’s Wen Fu, there is a saying: "Sad leaves fall in the autumn, and joy is in the spring."


Autumn is also called "Tai Qiu" because it is the season of harvest, rich in things and auspicious. There is a saying in the "Wen Fu" by Lu Ji, a writer in the west of Shanxi Province: "Sad leaves fall in the autumn, and I like the softness in the spring." In Guanzi Rolling Abroad, there is a record that autumn day is called "Tai Qiu": "Tai Qiu, when people order it, it is made."



It is also known as the "cool festival" because of the crisp weather in autumn. Xie Muzhao, a poet in the Southern Dynasties, wrote in One of the Sixteen Poems of His Royal Highness "On a high autumn night in Fang Jing, the gods live in a peaceful and deep place … The deep feelings are in harmony with each other, and words are sung to promote virtue". Sometimes "Shuang Jie" refers to the Double Ninth Festival. For example, there is a saying in Tang Dezong Li Shi’s poem "Double Ninth Festival": "Shuang Jie is in the Double Ninth Festival, and things are new and rainy."


clear autumn air

It can also be called "high autumn" and "frosty day". This is because there are white and cold autumn frost and clear autumn sky in autumn.

Don’t say I don’t know, I’m shocked! It turns out that there are so many nice nicknames in autumn. Which one surprised you?

Source: Xinhuanet, China Meteorological Network

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