The original Lin Qingxia’s mental journey: three loves, being said, being hurt, and finally marrying the unattractive him

Looking back at Qingxia Lin in the 1980s and 1990s, when she was in her prime, it seemed that all the characteristics that a beauty should have could be seen in her.

Seven points of coldness, two points of domineering, one point of softness, which also established her title of "the first beautiful woman in Hong Kong and Taiwan".

However, in the eyes of many people, Lin Qingxia’s beauty is fascinating, but her love story with Qin Han and Qin Xianglin, which spans more than 20 years, is even more interesting.


In 1989, Lin Qingxia chatted with Huang Zhan, Cai Lan, and Ni Kuang. During the conversation, she shared the fashion photos taken by Qin Han for her, and her words were very sweet. I didn’t want Ni Kuang to pour cold water on Lin Qingxia and say, "Qin Han is not a good man." But Lin Qingxia didn’t like it anymore and pointed to the three old men and said it all.

At that time, Qin Han and his ex-wife Shao Qiaoyin had officially broken up, and he and Lin Qingxia could finally fall in love openly.

At that time, Lin Qingxia talked about Qin Han’s happiness, and she posted a group of fashion photos. Huang Zhan, who was present, called out fashion, saying that Qin Han was lucky, but Ni Kuang said what Lin Qingxia didn’t like to hear. He said that Qin Han was pursuing Lin Qingxia "without courage and not active."

Lin Qingxia was not happy immediately after hearing it. She argued that "Qin Han is the best man in the world!", and then said angrily, "None of you can compare." Unfortunately, Lin Qingxia saw the wrong person, and soon after, Ni Kuang was right.


Throughout the first half of Lin Qingxia’s life, she did not have entanglements with too many men, but her "love triangle" with Qin Han and Qin Xianglin was enough to go down in history.

In 1973, 19-year-old Lin Qingxia entered the entertainment industry with the Virgo "Outside the Window", and in this film and television drama, she met the most important lover in her life – Qin Han.

Lin Qingxia’s "Outside the Window" stills

At that time, Lin Qingxia was in her prime at the age of 19, and Qin Han was already a three-year-old. However, during the filming, Lin Qingxia was originally a fan of Qin Han, and she had feelings and concubines. Soon, the two fell in love, and the love was out of control.

His father was Sun Yuanliang, a senior general of the Kuomintang and a famous anti-Japanese general. He was a student of the first stage of Huangpu Military Academy and had served as a lieutenant general of the National Revolutionary Army and commander of the 13th Corps of the National Revolutionary Army.

Qin and Han Dynasties in Youth

With such a family background, Qin Han was not a sentimental prodigal son. On the contrary, he was a bit dull.

However, the heavens did not seem to favor this couple. Because as early as 1972, Qin Han had already married Shao Qiaoyin, who ran a cosmetics company, Lin Qingxia was still a step too late.

When Lin Qingxia and Qin Han first started to fall in love, they always kept a safe distance. After all, they didn’t love so madly.

However, after "I Am a Cloud", Qin Han and Lin Qingxia could no longer suppress their deep feelings. What happened at that time?

It was probably in 1976 that Aunt Qiongyao had a movie "I Am a Cloud" to shoot. As the best CPs, Qin Han and Lin Qingxia were naturally her first choice.

For the sake of the box office, Qiong Yao specially invited the two to act. Originally, Qin Han and Lin Qingxia had a good impression of each other, and this was another love drama, so the two tacitly accepted it. Collaborating on the "love drama" again made the "hormones" deep in the hearts of the two no longer controllable, and the relationship between the two quickly heated up after a few days.

Lin Qingxia’s "I Am a Cloud" stills

Since then, the relationship between Qin Han and Lin Qingxia has been exposed, and reporters and the media have focused all their attention on the two. Because Qin Han is relatively wooden and has a family, the public opinion is aimed at Lin Qingxia, and all kinds of "junior superior" and "destroying the family" are famous.

In this regard, Qin Han did not make any statement, neither came out to protect Lin Qingxia from the wind and rain, nor did he break up with his wife and give her a promise.

Lin Qingxia, who was under such pressure as spicy eyes, once had a tendency to depression and even died. Later, she bought a plane ticket and went abroad. The first "Qin Lin Lian" can be regarded as coming to an end.

Lin Qingxia and Qin Han broke up and went abroad, which was seen and remembered by Qin Xianglin, who was interested. Then she also had a plane ticket to chase Muse’s footsteps.


Qin Xianglin and Lin Qingxia also met in "I Am a Cloud", but at that time Qin Xianglin could only be regarded as the "second male". Although the young man was more handsome, Lin Qingxia only had feelings for Qin Han, so this "unrequited love" was always hidden in his heart.

In 1978, Qin Xianglin broke up with his wife Xiao Fangfang because of their personality differences. Sometimes things were so coincidental. As soon as Qin Xianglin and Xiao Fangfang broke up, it was revealed that Lin Qingxia had gone abroad and broke up with Qin Han.

Qin Xianglin

As a famous unrestrained prodigal son in the entertainment industry, Qin Xianglin had a way of chasing girls. In addition, Lin Qingxia had been in an "empty window period" during that time, and Qin Xianglin soon succeeded. In 1980, the two completed their engagement abroad, which could be regarded as the so-called husband and wife.

Even so, Qin Xianglin still couldn’t match Lin Qingxia’s love for Qin Han. Many years later, Qin Xianglin recalled this relationship and said: They never crossed the moral red line during the four years of engagement. In other words, during these four years, Qin Xianglin and Lin Qingxia did not do "husband and wife"!

From this point of view alone, Lin Qingxia’s love for Qin Xianglin was not deep. Later, something happened that detonated the previous conflict between the two. In 1983, Lin Qingxia and Zheng Shaoqiu were filming "Midnight Orchid" when Qin Han suddenly appeared in the theater, which made Lin Qingxia’s heart tremble.

Hearing this news, Qin Xianglin naturally trembled in his heart, because he also knew how much he weighed. In 1984, Liu Jiachang was going to shoot the movie "Eight Years of Anti-Japanese War", and the people he planned to invite were Qin Han and Lin Qingxia.

However, Qin Xianglin pushed the play. After learning about this, Lin Qingxia became angry. Four years after getting engaged, in 1984, Qin Xianglin was completely eliminated from this "love triangle".

In 1985, Qin and Han had been separated for three years. At this time, Lin Qingxia did not have Qin Xianglin by her side, and the two could finally get together smoothly. In 1989, Lin Qingxia said in "Undefended Tonight" that the person she loved the most in her life was Qin and Han, and then the two did have a sweet period of 4 years.

Lin Qingxia and Qin and Han Dynasties

In 1990, Lin Qingxia and Qin Han played the "couple" again in "Rolling Red Dust", and the super high CP sense made the box office sell well. Due to her very good performance in the play, Lin Qingxia also won the Golden Horse Award Queen Cup that year with "Rolling Red Dust", which was Lin Qingxia’s first Golden Horse Award trophy.

When she won the award, she gave a speech: Thank you for the only male protagonist in my life. However, maybe even she didn’t expect that this happy relationship came to a sad end four years later.

"Rolling Red Dust" stills

The 1992 version of "Dragon Gate Inn" must have been seen by everyone. It was very exciting for many viewers, but it was a sad story for Lin Qingxia. At that time, the filming venue was in the northwest desert, and the medical conditions were not very good. Once Lin Qingxia was injured by a prop and needed urgent treatment.

Lin Qingxia naturally needed comfort after suffering such a serious injury. She wanted Qin Han to come and see her, but the latter joked about the "ticket money". Although she didn’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, this incident laid the groundwork for the two’s relationship to collapse.

In 1994, Lin Qingxia agreed to the pursuit of wealthy businessperson Xing Liyuan. Although Qin Han was also surprised, she did not do much to retain him. Therefore, this relationship that lasted for more than 20 years came to an unsatisfactory end.

At that time, Qin Han claimed to love Lin Qingxia very much, but he never dared to express his position in action. After 18 years of dating, he never said that he wanted to marry Lin Qingxia.


If you lose your horse, how can you know that it is not a blessing. Maybe missing someone is the appearance of the right person deliberately arranged by God.

At the same time as Lin Qingxia and Qin Han broke up, the ugly Xing Liyuan appeared, and he married Lin Qingxia home with a "takeaway".

Xing Liyuan and Lin Qingxia

Lin Qingxia and Xing Liyuan met at a friend’s party. At that time, others introduced Xing Liyuan to Lin Qingxia. Lin Qingxia only thought that the other party was dark and short, while Xing Liyuan felt that Lin Qingxia was shocked.

It was not until they talked about clothing that Lin Qingxia was impressed by Xing Liyuan. It turned out that the other party was the boss of the well-known clothing brand ESPRIT, who had great insights into clothing. He gave Lin Qingxia a lot of advice on how to dress. Unfortunately, Xing Liyuan only chatted for a while and then left, but Lin Qingxia remembered him.

After that, Xing Liyuan invited Lin Qingxia to be the image ambassador of his company and invited her to dinner frequently. Lin Qingxia knew that the other party wanted to chase her, but she didn’t want to accept this ugly man.

However, Xing Liyuan was very persistent. He had his own way to win Lin Qingxia’s heart.

In 1992, Lin Qingxia went abroad to promote "Secret Love Peach Blossom Land". Xing Liyuan hoped to help Lin Qingxia’s career, so he secretly arranged for several foreign authoritative media to interview Lin Qingxia.

Seeing her photos and reports overwhelming, Lin Qingxia was of course happy, but she couldn’t figure out why she was so popular overseas. It wasn’t until she received Xing Liyuan’s flowers that she suddenly realized. Lin Qingxia was surprised that the other party was so caring, but in fact, there was more to come.

In 1993, Lin Qingxia was filming the movie "Tianlong Babu" in Shanghai when she fell ill due to exhaustion.

"Tianlong Babu" stills

A person was sick and no one took care of her, and Lin Qingxia’s mood was inevitably low. At this moment, Xing Liyuan knocked on Lin Qingxia’s hotel door, holding her favorite lily in one hand and a big box in the other, and appeared in front of Lin Qingxia.

It turned out that Xing Liyuan knew that she was filming and flew from Hong Kong to Shanghai. The box was the "takeaway" he ordered for Lin Qingxia. Knowing that Lin Qingxia was not used to Shanghai food, he specially sent it over. Lin Qingxia was very touched, but what surprised her even more was that when she took the dish from the other party, she didn’t expect it to be hot.

At this time, what was hotter than the dishes was Lin Qingxia’s heart. She didn’t expect Xing Liyuan to be so meticulous, even such a small thing. This time, Lin Qingxia was moved by Xing Liyuan.

Xing Liyuan was just looking at Lin Qingxia, but he didn’t expect her to be sick. Therefore, he temporarily changed his itinerary and stayed to take care of Lin Qingxia.

Although Xing Liyuan is not Lin Qingxia’s ideal partner, he is a master in love, so Lin Qingxia finally gave up Prince Charming Qin Han and entered the marriage hall with her dark horse Prince Xing Liyuan.

Lin Qingxia only wanted a home, but Qin Han couldn’t even give this promise, which made her heartbroken.

In fact, Xing Liyuan can win Lin Qingxia’s heart because of his love skills.

The first time he met Lin Qingxia, he did not chase after her because he loved her, but knew how to stop. He did so not only considering the other party’s feelings, but also behaved very decently.

After gaining Lin Qingxia’s trust, he didn’t rush to confess, but took the initiative to understand the other party’s situation first, knowing what the other party needed before giving, so he made the other party excited.

More importantly, Xing Liyuan made Lin Qingxia feel at ease. He always appeared when the other party needed it the most, giving her a sense of security with his actions, not only that, but also very considerate and meticulous. If you think of such a man who can read a woman’s heart, I am afraid that no woman will have the heart to refuse.


Sometimes happiness is like sand in the palm of your hand, the tighter you hold it, the faster you lose it.

Sometimes happiness is like a flower on the other side, looming but untouchable.

In the world of two people, there is always one arguing, one laughing, one arguing, and one coaxing.

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