Cycling South East Asia, New Navigation Unlocks More Grounded Travel

  Motorcycle travel around South East Asia is the way many riders dream of traveling! Today, it is no longer difficult to conquer the land of adventurers on two-wheeled electric donkeys to Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines, and even Singapore. Google Maps’ recently launched multi-country motorcycle navigation mode is designed for this purpose.

Google Maps motorcycle navigation page effect, infographic

  Many of you may have noticed that Google Maps’ "two-wheeled mode" arrived in India, the world’s most prosperous two-wheeled transportation market, at the end of 2017. At the end of April 2018, the "two-wheeled mode" was unlocked in Indonesia, and at the end of June, the "two-wheeled mode" version was unlocked in Malaysia. In the past week, this new tool menu has added more countries and regions in South East Asia to the "bike-friendly" list, including Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Taiwan.

  Google Maps’ "two-wheeled mode" was introduced to provide motorcycle and bicycle riders with more recognizable directions. Compared with the car navigation mode, its advantages are more user-friendly and more down-to-earth. In the updated Android version (via Google Play), we can see that the map will be impassable to many cars, but the narrow alleys, dirt roads, unnamed roads, and bicycle lanes that motorcycles and bicycles can enter are clearly marked. Customized routes will be created according to the user’s needs, accurate travel time will be estimated, and up-to-date street views will be provided. In addition, the usual prompts in the car navigation mode, such as "Go straight on Victoria Street and turn left after 500 meters", are also replaced by more clear and easy-to-understand expressions, such as "Turn left at the National Design Centre in Singapore".

  The best thing about the "two-wheeled model" is that it chooses to serve countries and regions, without exception, densely populated places with high rates of motorcycle and bicycle penetration. Travelers to these destinations also tend to travel by bicycle. On the one hand, South East Asia generally has fewer restrictions on two-wheeled transportation, and on the other hand, it is because of the constant narrow road travel, which is a new and interesting way to travel, and saves time and effort.

  Regrettably, Google Maps’ motorcycle icon is only available on Android Google Maps 9.67.1 above. iOS when the version will be released, and which countries will be unlocked next, it is not known.

Hagia Sophia Cat Instagram image of Hagia Sophia Cat

  Recently, there was a hot topic on Instagram – "Did you know there was a cat in the Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul?" Not to mention that many travelers who visited the Hagia Sophia Cathedral had seen the European shorthair cat named Gli, and even took a photo with it and held its claws.

  Gli has lived within the cathedral’s thousand-year-old walls for more than a decade, and in a sense, it is the true owner of Hagia Sophia. Here, it lives like a queen, not only has a special person to serve it, but also has its own social account. Gli has many fans around the world because of its noble appearance, good pose and willingness to interact with strangers. According to people familiar with the matter, Obama also met with it briefly during his visit to Turkey.

  Umut Bahceci, a tour guide in Istanbul who is also publicly known as the manager of the account Hagia Sophia Cat, is considered the closest human being to, and the most knowledgeable about, the Queen’s every move. Recently, to celebrate Gli’s 14th birthday, and also to give some practical advice to the flocking cat lovers, Bahceci revealed the daily habits of the cat owner. He mentioned that whenever Gli wants to make contact with people, he will come to the hut under the minaret, and when he is tired and does not want to be hugged, he will sit on the’divine stone ‘below the dome. In addition, different times and seasons, Gli’s favorite places of activity are also different. In winter, it will follow the beams of light from the heights and stop in front of the warm altar, but in summer mornings, most of them will stay in front of the cathedral window. When the soft sun shines on his face, Gli will show a cute expression of slightly squinting eyes. Travelers who want to kiss Fangze might as well try to touch their heads at this time, or press the shutter to record their signature smile.

The "God’s Stone" under the church dome is one of Gli’s favorite places.

  The news that Yosemite National Park in central California has been closed since July 25 under the threat of wildfires is disappointing, but on the upside, outdoor enthusiasts may want to take the opportunity to try other worthy destinations, such as Chiribiquete National Park, which has recently been listed as a World Heritage Site.

  Earlier this month, the expansion of Zilibiquete National Park, which is located at the border between the provinces of Guaville and Caqueta in southern Colombia, was announced, adding about 1.50 million hectares to the 2.70 million hectares of protected area designated in 1989. With this move, Zilibiquete has also become the largest rainforest national park in the world.

  Located at the crossroads of the four ancient ecosystems of the Amazon, Orinokia, the Andes, and the Guyana Shield, Tsiribekt National Park is rich in natural resources that no other national park can match. It is also home to the oldest, largest, and densest surviving petroglyph archaeological site in the Americas. In total, the park contains more than 70,000 ancient paintings depicting animals, hunting, fighting, and dancing. The oldest murals date back more than 20,000 years.

Mural paintings in Ziribekt National Park. FCDS Foundation map

  Australia is planning to build a 76-kilometer trail for hikers and mountain bikers on the northern coast of Cairns. The route, called the Wangetti Trail, will be located on the coastline across the sea from the Great Barrier Reef. The two ends of the route will connect to the scenic Palm Bay and Port Douglas, passing through Kuranda National Park, and will be accompanied by multiple natural wonders such as wilderness, jungle, beaches and islands.

  It is reported that it takes about 6 days and 5 nights to cross the Wangiti Trail on foot. If you choose to ride, you can complete the entire journey in as little as one day and one night. According to the local tourism board, the Queensland government has invested 950,000 Australian dollars in the construction of the trailhead’s infrastructure, and plans to develop more luxury campgrounds and eco-tourism facilities along the route.

Walking on the Wangiti Trail, you can enjoy magnificent sea views at any time. Tourism Queensland, map