One-week inventory | Xiaomi Group Hong Kong stocks rose 7.88% last week

Securities code Securities abbreviation Latest price Last week’s ups and downs Up and down this month Up and down this year 52-week ups and downs BB blackberry $2.79 -0.36% 0% -21.19% -32.77% AAPL apple $182.31 -3.46% -1.13% -5.31% 19.51% MSFT Microsoft $404.06 -3.92% 1.63% 7.45% 56.58% 01810 Xiaomi group -W HK$ 13.42 7.88% 8.93% -13.97% 5.67% 00285 Byd electronic HK$ 30.90 7.67% 15.51% -15.57% 18.39% 02382 Shunyu optics technology HK$ 50.55 4.98% 5.86% -28.65% -48.1% 02018 Ruisheng technology HK$ 18.28 2.93% 4.1% -21.21% -1.19% 02038 Fuzhikang group HK$ 0.49 2.06% 1.02% -18.85% -46.2% 01478 Qiutai technology HK$ 3.05 -0.65% 10.91% -31.31% -37.5%