Zhao Liying sent the golden lock and Lang Lang sent the piano. Xie Na is a well-deserved good popularity

Shayna gives birth to twins

1905 movie network news This morning, Xie Na successfully gave birth to twin daughters, and the stars sent their blessings one after another. Previously, a friend gave Xie Na’s daughter a gold lock, but Xie Na didn’t know who it was. On January 30, when she learned that it was a gift from Zhao Liying, she sent a message of thanks: "I received a gift from a mysterious person a month ago, a cute and heroic pure gold lock. There is no card, no name, and no address on the courier slip. I think maybe this friend just wanted to give her heart silently. These days, a mysterious person suddenly appeared and asked me why I haven’t received the carefully prepared gift. She is my second brother who is stupid to shoot. The second brother’s" Daughter Country "is about to be released. The second brother, whose acting skills have exploded, will play the king of the daughter country this time. Please support me a lot."

Xie Na thanked Zhao Liying for the golden lock

Today, Zhao Liying promoted her new movie on Weibo, but netizens teased her: "Your eldest brother gave birth to twins, did you give enough golden locks?" "Second brother, Sister Na gave birth to a baby, you are an uncle! When will you let Sister Na be an uncle?"

Users leave a message on Zhao Liying’s Weibo

Since Zhang Jie announced that Xie Na was pregnant, Xie Na’s friends have sent gifts.There are flowers from Happy Camp.

Flowers from Happy Camp

"Funny" Yang Di gave Xie Na the walnuts she brought from her hometown, humorous and practical.

Yang Di sends walnuts

The deer stool given by Xi Mengyao is very cute and beautiful.

Xi Mengyao sends a stool

The gift from "Eternal Muse" Liu Jialing looks tall.

Gift from Carina Lau

Lang Lang gave Xie Na a piano, and Xie Na also specially played a song "Doll and Bear Dancing" to thank Lang Lang.

Lang Lang sends a piano

Wu Xin sent the wall breaker, and the two also took a group photo, breaking the previous discord rumors.

Wu Xin sends wall breaker

Of course, there are also gifts and letters from Xie Na’s fan club, which read: "The relationship between idols and fans is basically like this, you bring happiness and courage, and we return company and trust. We may not be able to do much, and you may not be familiar with each of us, but every effort and heart we make is because of you."

Letter from fans

The younger brother Du Haitao sent the cake, but as a senior foodie, he ate all the cakes.

Du Haitao sends cakes

Chen He sent a cute package with the word Tianba written on the note.

The package sent by Chen He

Seeing so many celebrity friends giving gifts to Xie Na, it can be seen that she is very popular in the entertainment industry. Xie Na has always brought happiness to everyone with her humorous and funny hosting style. I hope she can always be happy when she is upgraded to a mother.