Nicholas Tse "young master big and small" is sleeping with him, and the birth value of star babies is sky-high

        Does the tiger father really have no dog children? For the parents of celebrities in the entertainment industry, their "second generation of stars" has also attracted much attention and has always been the focus of discussion. Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung have been exposed to the light of their two precious sons, so that they can stand on the trend of entertainment for a long time. However, for ordinary people, it is the same for boys and girls, and more after-dinner talk is also fun. For stars outside the wealthy family, as long as the cards are big enough and willing to be exposed, they will pay for everything.

"Second Young Master" English name is Quintus

Nicholas Tse’s eldest son Lucas slept with his younger brother Quintus

Lucas was exposed to be worth up to 10 million yuan

The photo of the second young master "Fengzhi" named Quintus was exposed for the first time

  At 5 p.m. on May 16, Nicholas Tse released a photo of the "Second Young Master" to the media and revealed that his English name was Quintus (Quintus). It is reported that Quintus means "May" in Roman, and it is also known that Quintus is taken from the Roman general Quintus Fabian Maximas.

  Nicholas Tse said in a previous interview with the media that he was so happy to see the baby born, and thanked his wife for giving birth to multiple BB’s for her. He felt that the "second young master" was temporarily like him, but he was just born, and it was later to know which one he and Cecilia were like, but he was bigger than his brother Lucas. The Hong Kong media said, "On the contrary, Lucas is sleeping with his younger brother Quintus, and Quintus looks very much like his grandfather Xie Xian. When sleeping on his side, he shows his big ears, which is quite lucky!"

The eldest son’s commercials are about to continue Lucas is worth 10 million

  Lucas’s parents are handsome men and beautiful women, and his appearance is also inherited from his parents, which is very cute. Due to his parents’ fame, Lucas has been widely reported since his birth, and his clothes have become trend indicators, such as Nike small sneakers, BathingApe hats, etc. Nicholas Tse once blew up his son’s worth of tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars, which is higher than himself: "I may scare you to death if I say it. Someone once offered him an 8-digit number to shoot an advertisement, but I don’t want him to go back to the road of parents."

  An advertiser confirmed that Nicholas Tse’s statement was true: "There are often manufacturers who want to find Lucas to shoot advertisements through us, and there are indeed large brands that bid more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars. Unfortunately, Ting Feng rejected it. He said that at least he would have to wait for his son to understand before considering it."

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